The Sacred Origins of Christmas: Revealing the Christos Mission
Journey back to ancient Bethlehem to discover the profound spiritual truth behind the birth of Jesheua. This divine story reveals the cosmic purpose of the Christos Seeding Mission and its ongoing significance for humanity's awakening
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Free Resources: Acccess the Knowledge and Teachings of Brent James Schoning

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Spiritual melodies and chants to enhance your connection with the Christos energy.

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In-depth lectures and guided meditations to deepen your understanding of the Christos Seeding Mission.

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Vibrant visuals and sacred symbols to inspire your spiritual journey.

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Comprehensive written materials to delve into the teachings of the Christos.
The Birth of Jesheua: A Divine Arrival


The Miraculous Birth
In the sacred town of Bethlehem, over 2,000 years ago, a courageous young woman named Jeudi fulfilled an ancient prophecy by giving birth to Jesheua, a divine child carrying the crystalline codes of the Christos within his very essence.


The Guiding Star
Above the sleeping town, a magnificent light illuminated the night sky - not a common star, but a celestial Merkaba Vehicle Plasma Ship, its radiant energy beckoning the three wise Grail Kings toward their destined meeting with divinity.


The Grail Kings' Journey
Guided by ancient wisdom, the three Grail Kings presented their sacred offerings: gold representing divine sovereignty, frankincense symbolizing spiritual enlightenment, and myrrh embodying the transformative power of the Christos consciousness.


The Sadducee Guards' Threat
In their desperate attempt to prevent the awakening of humanity's divine blueprint, the Sadducee guards unleashed their fury, setting ablaze a humble stable where they believed the child to be hidden, their actions threatening the sacred mission.


The Sacrifice of Ma'a and Immanuel
In an act of profound love and devotion to the Christos Seeding Mission, Ma'a and Immanuel willingly surrendered their physical forms, creating a protective shield of pure light around Jesheua, ensuring the divine plan would unfold as destined.
The Christos Seeding Mission:
Restoring Humanity's Divine Blueprint

Purpose of the Mission
The Christos Seeding Mission was a sacred endeavor to reawaken humanity's original divine blueprint and restore Earth's crystalline grid to its intended frequency of pure love and unity consciousness.

The Founders' Role
Enlightened beings known as the Founders, working in harmony with the advanced Maharajhi Blue races from Sirius B, orchestrated this profound spiritual intervention to uplift Earth and its inhabitants.

Transmission of the Bi-Veca Code
At the heart of the mission lay the transmission of the Bi-Veca Code - an intricate geometric pattern of divine light that carried the original instructions for humanity's spiritual awakening and ascension into Earth's energetic framework.

Creation of a Sacred Lineage
Through careful spiritual selection and divine guidance, the mission established a lineage of enlightened teachers and wayshowers who would preserve and transmit these sacred teachings throughout the ages.

Overcoming Challenges
When faced with fierce opposition from the Sadducee guards who sought to prevent this divine intervention, the courageous guardians Ma'a and Immanuel made the ultimate sacrifice, ensuring the mission's success through their unwavering dedication to humanity's spiritual liberation.
Their sacrifice left a profound impact, solidifying the mission's success and inspiring future generations to carry on the sacred lineage. Through the ages, the enlightened teachers and wayshowers continued to face challenges, but their unwavering devotion to the transmission of the sacred teachings ensured the preservation of the Bi-Veca Code for the benefit of all sentient beings. As time went on, the sacred lineage expanded and evolved, weaving its way through different cultures and lands, encompassing a diverse range of teachings and practices that were harmonized and unified under the Bi-Veca Code. The enlightened teachers and wayshowers recognized the importance of adaptability and inclusivity, continuously finding new ways to reach and awaken souls across the globe, while staying true to the essence of the sacred teachings. Today, the legacy of the courageous guardians and enlightened teachers lives on, as the sacred lineage continues to inspire and guide seekers on their own path towards spiritual liberation.
The Art of Divine Relationships:
Weaving the Sacred Web of Consciousness
Harmonious Connections
The Art of Divine Relationships encompasses the profound and sacred bonds that weave through the multidimensional fabric of existence. These connections transcend ordinary perception, linking beings across different dimensional frequencies, spiritual realms, and states of consciousness in a divine dance of unity.
Key Principles
  • Unconditional Respect and Divine Trust
  • Universal Interconnectedness and Oneness
  • Sacred Communication Through Heart Wisdom
  • Embracing the Divine Diversity of Creation
Examples in the Christos Mission
The sacred bond between Jesheua and his spiritual guardians, Ma'a and Immanuel, embodied the highest expression of Divine Relationships. This celestial connection manifested through pure love and spiritual guidance, just as the profound alliance between Jesheua and the three Grail Kings demonstrated the power of unified consciousness in service to divine purpose.
  • Embracing Inner Alchemy and Divine Transformation
  • Honoring Soul Contracts and Soul Family Connections
  • Nurturing the Balance of Giving and Receiving
  • Nurturing the Sacred Container of Relationship
  • Co-creation through Synchronicity and Divine Timing
  • Embracing the Path of Expansion and Evolution
Invoking the Wisdom of Divine Relationships
As we explore the depths of Divine Relationships, we are reminded to honor the sacredness within ourselves and others, fostering an environment of respect, trust, and interconnectedness. By embodying the key principles and examples found within the Christos Mission, we can awaken to the transformative power of these relationships and weave the sacred web of consciousness in our own lives, contributing to the collective awakening of humanity.
These additional principles are integral to the art of Divine Relationships, as they facilitate personal growth and spiritual evolution. Through embodying these principles, we pave the way for deep soul connections and harmonious co-creation within the sacred web of consciousness.
Sacred Sexuality and the Union of Opposites: Balancing Divine Energies






Union of Opposites
Sacred Sexuality embodies the divine marriage of masculine and feminine energies, creating a portal to higher consciousness.


Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical Union
This sacred union transcends physical reality, weaving together the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical dimensions of existence.


Sacred and Loving Relationships
It manifests through conscious relationships that honor the divine spark within each being and the sacred dance of connection.


Balance and Harmony
Through this divine union, we achieve perfect equilibrium between all polarities, leading to spiritual wholeness and enlightened being.
Level 1 Kathara and the Mechanics of Manifestation:
Unlocking Creation's Secrets
Energy, Consciousness, and Matter
Exploring how consciousness shapes energy into matter through sacred geometric patterns and vibrational frequencies.
Thoughts, Emotions, and Intentions
Harnessing the creative power of focused thoughts, aligned emotions, and clear intentions to manifest desired outcomes.
Alignment with Highest Good
Creating harmonious manifestations that serve both individual growth and collective evolution through conscious alignment with universal principles.
Selfless Intention
Cultivating pure intentions free from ego attachment, allowing divine wisdom to guide manifestations for the highest benefit of all.
Spirituality and Science of Creation: Bridging the Divine and the Physical
Interconnectedness of All Things
Experience the profound web of relationships linking consciousness, matter, and energy across all dimensions of existence.
Sacred and Divine Nature of the Universe
Discover how every particle and wave pattern reflects the underlying divine intelligence that orchestrates cosmic harmony.
Fundamental Principles of Creation
Unveil the sacred mechanics where quantum physics meets spiritual wisdom, revealing the blueprint of universal manifestation.
Intention and Manifestation
Master the art of conscious creation by aligning your thoughts and energy with the universe's natural flow of manifestation.
The Festival of Light and the Christos Mass: Celebrating Divine Connection
Sacred Celebration
The Festival of Light honors the profound moment of Jesheua's birth and the divine transmission of the Bi-Veca Code, marking a celestial convergence of spiritual wisdom.
Spiritual Renewal
This sacred time initiates a transformative cycle of consciousness expansion, where ancient wisdom merges with present awakening to forge paths of enlightenment.
Sacred Rituals
Through carefully preserved ceremonies, participants engage in powerful prayer recitations and sacred ritual practices that have resonated through millennia of spiritual tradition.
Divine Energies
These sacred celebrations create a living bridge between earthly consciousness and the celestial frequencies of the Christos, allowing participants to directly experience divine grace and transformation.
The Return of the Christos and the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission






Second Coming of Jesheua
The Return of the Christos represents the prophesied return of Jesheua to guide humanity through its spiritual transformation and fulfill the divine mission of awakening.


Planetary Grid Realignment
This sacred mission involves harmonizing Earth's crystalline energy grid with the divine Christos frequencies, restoring the original spiritual blueprint of creation.


Activation of Christos Codes
Through this divine process, the dormant Christos consciousness codes within human DNA are awakened, enabling higher spiritual awareness and connection.


Evolution of Humanity and Planet
This transformative mission catalyzes the collective ascension of humanity and Earth, facilitating our evolution into higher dimensions of consciousness and sacred wisdom.
Integrating the Teachings of the Christos Seeding Mission


Cultivating Spiritual Connection
Establish a sacred daily practice through mindful meditation, heart-centered prayer, and conscious communion with nature to activate your inner Christos codes and strengthen your divine connection.


Embodying Compassion and Forgiveness
Transform your relationships through the power of unconditional love by practicing deep listening, extending genuine empathy, and embracing radical forgiveness – just as the Christos teaches us to heal through love.


Creating a Brighter World
Become an active steward of planetary healing by participating in conscious community service, protecting Mother Earth's sacred resources, and radiating divine love to uplift collective consciousness.


Continuous Learning and Reflection
Deepen your understanding of the Christos teachings through regular study, sacred circle gatherings with spiritual family, and gentle self-reflection while honoring your unique awakening journey.
Key Kathara Grid Teachings for Children
The Kathara Grid
A magical web of light that connects you, me, and everything in the universe - like a beautiful spider web made of starlight!
The 12 Tree Grid
Imagine 12 special trees of light inside you, each one helping different parts of your mind and heart grow strong and bright.
Bio-Spiritual Healing
Just like a garden needs sunshine and water to grow, our bodies need special energy to stay healthy and happy. The Kathara Grid helps us bloom!
Heart-Centered Awareness
Learning to listen to the wise, loving voice of your heart - it's like having a special compass that always guides you to make kind choices.
Keylonic Science Dictionary: Understanding the Language of Creation
Advanced Keylonic Science Concepts: Exploring the Depths of Creation
Interdimensional Travel
  • Interdimensional Portal - Sacred geometric gateways connecting multiple dimensional frequencies
  • Stargate - Ancient structures that facilitate consciousness transport between planetary bodies
  • Wormhole - Natural space-time corridors linking different universal locations
Planetary Grids
  • Alpha-Omega Grid - Primary crystalline network connecting Earth's core to cosmic frequencies
  • Aurora Grid - Living light matrix that sustains planetary consciousness fields
  • Kathara Grid - Divine template supporting universal manifestation patterns
Energetic Bodies
  • Aetheric Body - Subtle energy field that connects physical form to higher dimensions
  • Aurora Body - Crystalline light structure holding our eternal identity pattern
  • Causal Body - Repository of soul wisdom and multidimensional experiences
Embracing the Christos Journey: Your Path to Spiritual Awakening
Sacred Beginning
Ignite your spiritual journey through mindful meditation, heartfelt prayer, and conscious connection with divine wisdom daily.
Living Principles
Transform your relationships by radiating unconditional love, practicing deep compassion, and offering sincere forgiveness to yourself and others.
Divine Service
Manifest your spiritual light through meaningful acts of service, environmental consciousness, and creating positive change in your community.
Eternal Evolution
Embrace the infinite spiral of growth through daily spiritual study, deep inner reflection, and conscious evolution on your sacred Christos path.
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